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Tentative Seniority List of Social Forestry Worker $ammu. All Divisional Forest Officer (s), Department of Social Forestry,Jammu Region.DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL FORESTRY. The Departmemt has farmrilated Tentative Seniority List of SfW. Conservator of Forests (CandE), Direction Office.DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL FORESTRY. JandK. JAMMU. *** *** sub: Tentative seniority List of Foresters (state cadre) Jammu and Kashmir. Social ForestrY DePartment.Email: jk(dot)sforestry(at)jk(dot)gov(dot)in. Sub: -. Final Seniority List of Senior Assistant (Kashmir Region) -. Department of Social Forestry, JandK.Department of Social Forestry, JandK,. The tentative seniority list of Dy. Forester (Kashmir Region) was circulated vide this office No.Seniority Forester.pdf - Department of Social Forestry JandKOrder,Act and Rules - Social Forestry Department, JandKFinal saniority list of Dyand Fandorester $ammu Region
GOVERNMENT OF JAMMU and KASHMIR. DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL FORESTRY. JandK - SRINAGAR. ********. Sub: Tentative Seniority List of Drivers of Jammu Province.Tentative Seniority List of Head Assistant (JandK) - Department of Social Forestry, JandK. The Department has formulated revised Tentahve Seniority List of Head.This is without prejudice to court case on the subject and orders if any passed thereon. Sd/-. PCCF/Director,. Department of Social Forestry. Dated:-1602-24.21 JK/089 Hafizullah Sidiqui 28.05.53 SFS-1986 Director Social Forestry Department 04/2012. 22 JK/066 Arun Kumar Tickoo 14.11.56 SFS-1986 Member Secretary,.DEPARTMENT OF SOCTAI FORESTRY. Emait: jk(dot)sforestry(at)jk{dot}gov{dot)in. Snb: - Tentalre Seniority List of U. Deparandnent of Social ForestrSr, JandK.Tentative SenioritY List of Mali (Kashmir Region) o/. co - -andi. iftFinal seniority List of Sr. Mali/Jr. Mali (Jammu Region)Sr.Jr.-Mali.pdf - Department of Social Forestry JandK. juhD453gf
Forest and Wildlife Department - Guidelines for felling and removal of trees in the plantations raised by Social Forestry Wing of Kerala Forest Department.The Department has formulated Tentative Seniority List of Dy. Forester of. Kashmir Province and is hereby circulated for information of all.Department of Wildlife Protection. OFFICE OF THE REGIONAL WILDLIFE WARDEN KASHMIR REGION. BOULEVARD ROAD SRINAGAR. Subject: Final Seniority.The tentative seniority list of lr. Mali District Samba, social. Forestry Department framed on the basis of the information furnished.LLLLLLS. · The tentative seniority list of Mali (Kashmir Region) was circulated vide this office No. DIR/DSF/Eslt/419-26 dated:- 28.08.2020.INTERSE SENIORITY LIST FOREST GUARD and FOREST GUARD WITH DRIVING LICENSE. HOME · PROVISIONAL INTER-SE-SENIORITY LIST OF FOREST GUARD / FOREST GUARD WITH.Final Seniority List of Mali (Kashmir Region) - Department of. Social Forestry, JandK. Conservator of Forests (CandE), Direction Office.Seniority Lists of Protective Staff. Assistant Conservator of Forests · Range Forest Officer. Wildlife Assistants. Deputy Range Forest Officer.The revised tenLattsre seniority list of ]unior Assistant (ifushrnir. Region). Conservator of Forests (CandE), Direction Office.SRINAGAR OFFICE. (May-October) DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL FORESTRY SHEIKHULALAM COMPLEX, RAJBAGH Srinagar Kashmir PIN 190018. Tel/ Fax : 0194-2313717.Email: jk(dot)sforestry(at)jk(dot)gov(dot)in. Sub: -. Final Seniority List of Head Assistant (JandK) - Department of. Social Forestry, JandK.GOVERNMENT OF JAMMU and KASHMIR. DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL FORESTRY. JandK-SRINAGAR. Sub: Tentative Seniority List of Drivers of Kashmir Province.DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL FORESTRY. JandK - SRINAGAR. ****. *. Sub: Tentative Seniority List of Orderlies of Jammu Province. NOTICE. The Department has formulated.recruitment, absorption from state wide seniority of Plot Watchers / Village Social. Forestry Workers, whose services were regularized.Department of Social Forestry, JandK. The tentative seniority list of Orderly (Kashmir Region) was. Conservator of Forests (CandE), Direction Office.Rehabilitation of Degraded Forests: Nearly half of the area under forests in the State is degraded. The degraded forest lands are rehabilitated through.DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAT FORESTRY. publicity to the enclosed tentafive seniority list. Conservator of Forests (CandE), Directiort Office.30.03.2021, Final Seniority List of Range Officer Grade-I in the Forest. Dt. 18-06-2019, Constitution of Committee for Auction of Social Forestry.DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL FORESTRY. pnfulrcity to the enclosed tentahve seniority list. Conservator of Forests (CandE), Direction Office.Proper organization of Forest Department however, began in the year 1883 AD,. Tentative Seniority List of Range Officer - Grade I in the Forest.You are here: ⌂›; About us›; Human resources›; Seniority List›; Topmenu›; About us›; Human resources›; Seniority Lists›; Ministerial Staff›.position in the tentative seniority list or the left-out Forest Guard. (Graduate, Matriculate and Middle. Social Caste Kehmil Division..jurisdiction for Social Forestry activities outside Reserve Forest areas and staff as shown. The position of the staff in the relevant seniority list,.Assistant Conservator of Forests. Seniority Lists of Ministerial Staff. Select List of Provisionally Promoted Range Forest Officers for the year 2014.Office of the Pr. Chief Conservator of Forests and HOFF. Tentative Seniority List of Foresters of Forest Department as stood on 01.01.2022.Kerala Forest Department.Sub: - linal Seniority List of Jadmadar (JandK) - Dcpartment of Social. Forestry, JandK. The tentative seniority list of Jamadar (JandK) was circulated vide this.Department of Social Forestry, JandK. The tentative seniority list of Senior Assistant (Jammu Region) was circulated vide this office No.Regional Director, Department of Social Forestry, Kashmir. 2. Dy. Conservator of Forests (CandE), Direction Office. 3. All Divisional Forest Officer (s).Department of Social Forestry JandK. 12-06-2021, Zero Tolerance towards Corruption. 05-11-2020, -, Workshop on Peoples Forestry.The Depatfinent has forrnulated Tentative kniority List of Imio:. publicltyto the enctrosed tentative seniority list. bf Forests (MandE),.Any discrepancy found may be brought to the notice of department on their email id at For further verification you may contact the.The Department has formulated Tentative Seniority List of Social Forestry. Worker of Kashmir Province and is hereby circulated for information.DEPARTMENT OF SOCTAL FORESTRY. Depattment has formulated, Tentative Seniority List of Senior. Conservator of Forests (GX), Direction Offil;.Act_Rules ; 28-10-2004, 481-FST of 2004, Creation of Department of Social Forestry ; 13-06-2000, SRO-203, Jammu and Kashmir Forest Conservation and.You are here: ⌂›; Research›; Topmenu›; About us›; Human resources›; Seniority Lists›; Ministerial Staff›; Seniority List of Administrative Assistants.